Thursday, December 20, 2007

Coaching the Female Athlete

Just yesterday I went to a collegue of mines basketball game. He coaches the girls varsity team at a very good private school in Philadelphia. However it was a double header so I came early and watched the girls JV team play first. As I watched from the bleachers I could not help but notice one of the coaches' coaching style.

This one coach in particular, took a very passive approach when handling and working with the girls. He sat in his chair most of the game, and from time to time pulled some of the girls aside to talk about some plays (I would assume). Even when the girls would forget to show active hands when playing defense, the coach would just sit there and not say much.

Don't get me wrong I know the most important thing is for the girls to have fun out on the court, however the extremely passive approach got me thinking (maybe too deeply), would he have taken the same approach if it was the boys team, JV or not? Or even more so, is this approach better for female athletes?

Now I believe that there is a significant psychological factor ("the female pysche")to consider when coaching males vs females, and that it should not be ignored if you want to have successful athletes, but is a passive easy-going coaching approach better than an aggressive in your face constantly queing their athletes approach when you are dealing with the female athlete?

What do I think? I think that there is no right or wrong way.

I believe coaches NEEDS to understand that there is an ART to this whole coaching thing. It has to be understood that every athlete is different and different approaches will work for different athletes and teams of athletes.

It is all about communicating with and knowing each INDIVIDUAL athletes' personality so you can know what they (male or female)need to respond to the coaching you are trying to give them!


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